Thursday, November 19, 2009

Currency - Grant Thornton LLP

Currency - Grant Thornton LLP


Anonymous said...

Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now keep it up!

Kevin P. Felty said...

Thank you very much for your encouragement. I often grapple internally over what to write. One side of the brain wants to be logical and stick to the issues and stay organized. I'm an accountant by education, and that is what I tell myself I should do. But, I'm one of these rare people that testing has shown is right brain dominant. Also, with training, work and constant reminders, I'm able to somewhat switch from right to more logical organized left brain thought processes. I did this in college naturally yet uncomfortably in order to make it through an accounting curiculum. Only later did I learn my unique quality of being naturally right brain dominant. Thus, I have to constantly struggle to stay organized and methodical to complete and present my work.
Our world is ruled, controlled and managed by methodical, logical and calculating left brain thinkers. I work hard to make my square form fit in their round hole. I'm just elated that with some maturity and self examination, I came to understand my thought processes and how I fit in the universe. It definitely helped me understand how I must transform myself to please my bosses in the workplace. Ultimately, it made me a better worker.
Thus, I have tremendous creative abilities. I am often able to draw parallels and connect the dots between issues others do not get. But, even to this day I struggle to stay locked in left brain mode long enough to complete some of the tasks I must accomplish. Hopefully, this is the year I can focus in left brain mode long enough to study and pass the CPA exam.
I appreciate your comment and encouragement. It is very meaningful to me! Thank you.
